國立臺南大學 最新消息公佈欄(NUTN News)
主旨(Subject) Adding photos from the event "126th Anniversary Celebration – Opening of the Anniversary Sports Day 1131214" to the event highlights webpage.
公告單位(Department) 教務處數位影音學習組
訊息類別(Category) NUTN News(Eng) (校內)
公告時間(Time Posted) 2024/12/26 16:25
有效日期(Good Until...) 2025/02/28 23:59
相關連結(Links) https://campus.nutn.edu.tw/photo/photoThumb.aspx?albumID=591
內容(Detail) Adding photos from the event "126th Anniversary Celebration – Opening of the Anniversary Sports Day 1131214" to the event highlights webpage.